Framework & Templates
Marketing for growth checklist
Personal branding framework & checklist
A curated list of tools and resources for startups
A curated list of growth hacking tools
Books & Presentations
The Brief Guide To Growth Marketing
Business books to challenge your thinking
Ideation blueprint for building a customer-centric innovation
Favourite Sharings
My template was published on Reforge
My framework was published on Reforge
Advisory Journey with Etrash
WDS: Creating a better world together
Diversity in the Digital Economy
Guest Lecture at Hult Business School
Research & Publications
Landing page for PhD dissertation (doctoral research)
The Role of Social Media in Creativity Management
Advancing Women in AI (white paper)
Applying Principles of Management Innovation
The Role of Change Management in Innovation (Doctoral dissertation)
Managing change for innovation and growth
Management Innovation Framework
(available upon request)
Leading change in creative firms
Marketing as an innovation driving force
Gender portrayal in advertising
Leverage change to deliver new business growth
Agency Remuneration
Briefing an Ad Agency
Pitch Principles for Clients and Agencies
Impact of CSR on the Competitiveness of Advertising Agency